Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is for you Bree

On your 25th Birthday!

Farm Girl at Heart

Pouty as a little girl
Darling all grown up
Always loved your sleep
Not afraid to have your say!

Follower of Jesus Christ
Slain in the Spirit at 8!
Gifted with tongues the same night

Momma to 3 boys
fantastic cook
Such a Social Butterfly

Busy as a BEE
Kind in Spirit
Blessed coming and going!
You were born on  Easter Sunday in Hawaii.  You were late but when you were ready to come into this world you came fast.  So fast that Dad wasn't there to see you!
When he did see you for the first time he didn't think you were his with your head full of dark hair and dark skin.  I was so happy that we had a little girl that looked like the "Garza's."
We instantly fell in LOVE!!
Your favorite place as a little girl was the kitchen, seeing what you could eat.  Now you love the kitchen to see what you can create!
We pray that you have a Blessed Year filled with health, prosperity, and wisdom
Do not neglect the gift that is in YOU!!

Love Mom and Dad

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gardening, GrandPrix

We had a great weekend gardening and GrandPrix

Our garden that Ernie and I planted.  The raised one on the right has fruit ie, blueberries, raspberries, and grapes.  To the right of the garden we just planted lettuce, spinach and eggplant. 

Little House in downtown NPR
We heard about this guy who has a totally organic, edible garden and sells his lettuce.  So we decided to check it out

Here is his lettuce!
He wasn't at home, but we browsed around. I've heard that he sells it for $1 per bag and you get a lot. I will be going again next Saturday. 

Stephanie was the Flag Girl for Steve Ott!

GrandPrix weekend in St. Pete was awesome!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

He who dwells

Psalm 91:1  He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  (NIV)

Dear Lord,  help me to see what You have for me today and everyday.  You are all powerful and anything and everything is possible with you.  Help me to be content with what You want for me!  Give me eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to follow.  Help me to find my God given talent.  Teach me to bring everything to You from the smallest to the biggest conern.  In Jesus name Amen!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Spring Time

It has been glorious here in the Sunshine state!  I'm loving it, my dogs are loving it and the flowers, herbs and plants are loving it!
Tiki has been sunbathing all week
Jerry has been able to be on the porch without it being too hot or too cold

Making Honey!  Our tree has been loaded with bees!
The herbs are blasting!

Spring just so happens to be my favorite time of the year, even though my allergies go crazy.  God is so good to give us all this gloriousness.  His evidence is everywhere. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

7 miles

We have been having gorgeous weather here lately and what better way to spend it than taking a bike ride before it gets so stinkin hot here.  Little E and I biked on the Starkey trail.  I wanted to go to the Suncoast Parkway which is 6.5 miles one way but Little E was not having it.  So we just did seven miles round trip.  At least it is better than 0 miles right?  Big E got bikes for us for Valentine's Day this year!!  Today was only my 3rd time riding it and it does feel wonderful to pedal.  Love the feel of the burn on my behind! Lord knows I need it and fast. 

Well, off to read Bathsheba.  I'm on the part where she just had her 2nd son by King David and named him Solomon.  Their first born son died in infancy as foretold by the Prophet Nathan.


Monday, March 21, 2011

What I am reading

This is the 3rd book in "The Wives of King David" series and it does not disappoint.  I am only half way through it and love it.  It drew me in from the beginning as did the previous two.  I am just really starting to like the old testament, especially when someone paints it as well as Jill Eileen Smith does.  Each of the books focuses on one particular wife and how she interacts with David.  I love how Smith combines Biblical fact with fiction.  It brings the story to life for the modern reader.  Her goal is that her books will draw the reader to go to the Bible and read it for themselves.  They each contain a bit of romance. The Bible itself is a love story from beginning to end.  If you see it as a whole, you can see God's heart in His great love for mankind by sending Jesus. 

The book tells a bit about how some of the other wives were whiny, maybe not kind to each other, and maybe did a little bickering.  I can understand why!  I am so thankful that I did not live in those times.  I would not want to be one of many wives.  Not only did David have many wives but many concubines as well.  Most men have a hard time keeping one wife happy, let alone many!  No wonder King David had his own chambers and his wives had their own apartments.  Even though Kind David and Bathsheba made many mistakes, God's love and mercy redeemed them.  I love the grace of God.  Thank you Jesus!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy 23rd Birthday Stephanie!

This post is for you on your special day

You are Fierce
Passionate in what you believe in
Lover of all things beautiful!
and a GIVER!

So very tender hearted
with a sassy temperment!
Competitive and know when you are right!
Craves justice and fairness in the world.
Animal lover to the extreme

Let me get this done and over with now!
I don't care if it's due in 3 months!
You don't always believe in yourself!!

Swimmer, Student, now a wife!
Once a blonde, now a brunette
A brown eyed girl with one dimple
Once known as Harry (hee hee)

You came into our lives on a beautiful, Spring Sunday.   My favorite time of the year.  You were so beautiful, we cried!  You rarely slept! ( I was one tired mama.)  You hardly cried ( I know hard to believe.)  You always gave away your favorite dolls!!  You always felt sorry for "old" men.  I was afraid one day you would marry one. 
We pray that you believe in yourself and that you find your God given talents and abilities and use them to your fullest!

We are so happy for you and your accomplishments! May God continue to bless you abundantly all the days of your life! 

Much Love
Mom and Dad


His mercies are new every morning!

This picture is from my walk Saturday morning in Starkey Park.  My photography skills do not do this picture justice.  It was just breathtaking!

Our bottlebrush tree starting to bloom

Loquat tree in bloom

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My doggie wears Kotex

And he is a boy!   Bentley is back with us again.  He cried and cried till Sarah got him a friend named Jax.  Jax was very high maintnance so Sarah found him a good home.  Bentley did not like that his friend left so Sarah had to get another friend named Tackle.  According to one of the neighbors both doggies were crying and scratching.  She had to temporarily find a home for them.  Well, guess who has Bentley?  ME!  I love him but I do not love his dribbles everywhere.  Sarah bought him a diaper, but he has learned how to take that off, so I used diaper pins to hold it together.  Sarah's BF Kevin came over last night with a diaper that fits a Kotex pad into it.  He does not like it, but will have to endure. 
Bentley with his diaper
With his TinkleTrouser

See his Kotex?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Momma Bird

This momma birdie has been tending to her babies for a few days now and I am sure that they must be ready soon to fly the coop. 

Look at Pappa up on the lamp post keeping watch. 
 Last year we had a family of Eastern Blue Birds that took up residency in this awesome little house that hubby made.  It was so adorable to watch momma and pappa tending to them and when it was time for them to fly away, oh my I had a blast watching them!!  Momma was in a tree and Pappa was in the bush and I just know that they were prompting them with all of their little tweets.  I know because I could hear them!  Then a few months later another family came or it could of been the same family.  I watched them daily- building, sitting, feeding and I also watched a big hawk eyeing them!  I worried about them so!  One day I came home and the door to their little house was open!!  GASP!!!  There was no way that they could of done that!!  I know that mean old hawk got them!!  It took many months for "new tenants" to move in but they did.  Hubby put a new latch on so that "mean old hawk" can't get them.  I hope this means  we are back in business and will have many more blue bird families. 

Spring Break in Jacksonville, Fl

Eli and I just got back from visiting sweet family in Jacksonville.  We left on Monday to go and got home Thursday.  Got to visit with Chick # 3 and her sweet hubby.  I love it there and wish that we could stay longer.  All good things must come to an end. 

While Judi and I walked "5 miles" Eli scoured the beach and found

Judi made "Grandma's cake."  Not our grandmother, but a delicious cake
that is made in Italy and so yummy! It is not too sweet, light and just
right!  Great with a cup of coffee........

Stephanie, John and I went to see The King's Speech and loved it!

Poor Dooney is on Prendisone and has become such a fatty!

Thanks for your wonderful hospitality Judi! 


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