Monday, September 19, 2011

drop out

I am sorry to say that I dropped my Algebra course today......I so did not envision this for myself, I do not like to quit, give up or anything of the sort.  I just had to admit, that I had way too much on my plate.  Plus, math is not a strong point.  I told the advisor that when I took the placement test that I probably should not of made it that far.  I was told that I barely made it to that course.  I made it to that class with 3 points to spare.....
Yeah, now I am scared off!!  Should I take a pre algebra next quarter?

Sarah and Kevin engaged!

on a much brighter note Sarah and Kevin were engaged last weekend!!  I have been so bogged down that I have not given it too much thought.  Sorry!!  He called us a few weeks prior and of course we love Kevin and are so very happy for the both of them.  God has certainly blessed us with wonderful son in laws.  We couldn't be more happy!!  Now for a wonderful, Jesus loving girl for our Pumpkin. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

barely above water

Sorry for such a long stretch with no blogging.....
I am swamped with work and school.
I've been back to work and school for almost one month now and doing both is really taking its toll on me.  I am thinking of dropping my math class.......I am so disappointed with myself.  Each day I am hopeful that I will finally catch up and begin to understand this foreign language.  Friday, I had hopes of coming home from work and reviewing a bit of math and moving onto the new stuff on Saturday.  Well, I reviewed but I forgot so much of the information that I had previosuly learned.  I stayed up till 2 am trying and finally becoming so discouraged with myself.....I fell asleep and tossed and turned the rest of the night dreaming of math formulas and no they were all wrong in my dream....bad dream.... LOL....
I got up on Saturday morning and tried again, no luck.  I moved onto the new that was covered last week and honestly I have no clue.....I decided right then and there that I give up!  I am not a quitter!!  I am mad at myself and so very disappointed......
I begged and cried and pleaded with God to tell me what to do, stick it out or be a drop out.
I moved on to my English Comp homework that I have been neglecting badly.  I did get my essay completed,well almost, another essay started, and a bit of studying in for  2 tests that are coming up on Tuesday.  So, basically I have not done any math at all this whole weekend and there is a test on Thursday.  What to do? 


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