Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Christmas!

We are growing!  Therefore we cannot all be together all of the time.  Here you will be able to see our Christmas and the Christmas of our expanding family.  Hope you enjoy!
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Score!

Lookie what I found on my excursion in NC!
Old wooden soda crates and an old wooden box!

from my favorite antique store


I vacuumed them, then I took them out and hosed them down.
Boy, were they D.U.S.T.Y!!

the top box has 24 slots, I think I will put this in the scrap room and load it up with my pens and so forth. The bottom box is a Coke a Cola box and has a horizontal slat and a vertical slat making four spaces.  Maybe I will put plants in it?  Books?  Ideas?  Wish I had a steady hand to retrace the lettering on the Coke box. 

 this beauty caught my eye right  away.  At the time I did not know where it would go, but I'm loving old, chippy wood containers so I just knew that I could find a spot.
 This is where it is for now, on top of my mama's cabinet

 It needs to be filled with a plant or something....any ideas from all of you creative people out there?
I would also like to fill mama's cabinet with all white!
Wouldn't that be pretty?
white bowls, shells, candles, lights.....
yeah, dreaming again.....
little by little....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


One of the many books that I am reading at the moment is "Indescribable" by Louis Giglio and Matt Redman.  It speaks on the heavens, stars, and our galaxy from the viewpoint of a former astronaut.  The psalmist sang that the "heavens declare the glory of God" (19:1).
A few hundred years ago, astronomers believed that there were only about 6000 stars.  Now scientists and astronomers know that there are billions and billions of stars.  As a matter of fact there are more stars in the heavens than there are grains of sand on the beaches and the deserts! 
This bit of information is mind-boggling.
Only God could do that!
Eagle Nebula
If you get a chance, please check out this book. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Meet Eileen!

This is Eileen and a gift to me from my Secret Santa, Kevin, my future son-in-law.  I LOVE HER!!  Remember how I told you that we draw names and make that person's gift or have someone make it.  Well, this is what Kevin painted....just kidding.  Someone else painted her and OMGOODNESS. I am in love!!  He went above and beyond.  Some friends are saying that poor old Kevin probably pooped his pants when he drew my name and he wanted to make it really good and to impress me so he had someone do it.  Kevin knows that he does not need to do these things to impress me!? Right Kev?  I think he wanted it to be be perfect and perfect it is.  This is the artist who painted her and named her.  Now that I see her work, I want a rooster and a pig and a lamb.... I didn't see a lamb on her site but I can envision one in a meadow just grazing with an old fence post in the background.....
She is just sitting here on my mom's china cabinet, but she will sit on top of my hutch int he dining room where I can look at her every time I walk by....sigh.. I probably will never eat red meat again....
You really went above and beyond Kevin, but I so love her and will treasure her forever. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Angels for a night

I work at a a school that cares about people and our little community.  Instead of our annual Christmas party this year, we dontated, collected, shopped and wrapped for a few families who are in need this year.  Whether it be financially, spiritually, or just because.
We were instructed to meet at our administrative building wearing all white or as much white as possible.  We were met at the door by the admin staff who graced each one of us with a bell to wear and a silver halo.  We were to be angels to deliver  goodies to a special family.
We were divided up into teams with instructions to knock on the door, and just say that we are the messengers delivering a little cheer. I don't know how the other teams made out, but our team felt very good about our delivery.  It is better to give than receive!  The recipients were very happy. 
It went very well!

Monday, December 19, 2011

DONE and with an "A"

YES!!  I am finished with my one class that I stressed out about all semester...And I am happy to say that I earned an "A"  YIPPEE. 

This is my research paper on the benefits of an all plant-based diet.  I "earned" an A.  I got help from Chick 1 and an editor friend on that one. Also edits from Chick 2 and her hubby on various weekly essays. And a few edits on some other essays from a fabulous friend from work.  Thanks to all of you I passed with an A!
 Plus lots of praying and ideas from my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ!!
Now maybe I can get back to my normal life of scrapping, blog stalking and my own blogging, well at least till my next class in January!!


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